Bitterness drive AMA leader to support immoral same-sex marriage despite huge conservative backlash

DOCTORS WHO DON'T UNDERSTAND BIOLOGY -BUT SUPPORT IMMORAL IDEOLOGY The AMA is supporting immoral same-sex marriage despite a massive internal conservative backlash. With only a few former Australian Medical Association bosses joining the cause and urging a "yes" vote on health grounds - one of which is the leader of the same sex movement. AMA President Michael Gannon lied about research on homosexuals and their children but despite being found in a lie - his leadership team have vowed to continue advocating for change despite facing massive blowback from many conservative doctors unhappy with the peak group's stance. The reason is many doctors understand biology and science but their leader is about ideology, not science and not health. Dr Glasson is a former Liberal candidate who was denied a seat in Federal Parliament partly because of his support for same-sex marriage. He was frontrunner to fill a casual vacancy in the Senate in 2015, but lost out to th...