Colombia officially recognizes threesome homosexual union

A group of three homosexual men living in Medellín, Colombia have successfully registered their union with the federal government, according to local media reports. The polyamorous union, which the three refer to as a “trieja” (or “thruple” – as opposed to “pareja” or “couple”) was registered by the city as a “Special Patrimonial Regime of a Thruple” (“Regimen Patrimonial Especial de Trieja”) according to a document provided by the group to the Colombian magazine Semana . Proponents of homosexual “marriage” have long denied that a redefinition of the marital bond would lead to polygamy. However, defenders of the natural family as well as Supreme Court justices , have argued that the claim that people have a “right” to “marry” whomever they wish implies the legalization of such unions. Although the union is not a “marriage” under Colombian law, it is a regime of inheritance rights that corresponds to what are called “unions of fact,” which corre...