New Life Church Robina fasting to accept or reject immoral homosexual decision

If one acknowledges that the Bible presents universal claims regarding God, then there is no escaping the universal significance of what the Bible reveals about homosexuality. The essence of the error of homosexuality is pride, and pride is always wrong, for everyone. ABANDON THE NOW APOSTATE UNITING CHURCH OF AUSTRALIA The Uniting Church has failed to HONOUR the authority of scripture and has failed to display biblical leadership by offering a choice. The Uniting Church in Australia is now in open rebellion against God. NEW LIFE ROBINA QUEENSLAND AUSTRALIA - will be fasting for 40 days to determine if they will follow the unbiblical decision from the 15th Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia. What was the decision? To permit pastor to marry homosexuals. But in reality, they have chosen to ignore the authority of scripture. Why do you need to fast when the leadership of a Church movement clearly violates the authority of scripture? You don't! Y...