Homophobia sinful but unsure about Homosexuality - Justin Welby Anglican Communion

Justin Welby has said he struggles with the question of whether gay sex is a sin and acknowledged that the gulf between conservative and liberal Anglicans on the issue is “irreconcilable”. The Bible is very clear regarding the sinfulness of homosexuality but the head of the Anglican Church appears to want to sit on the fence and not offend - why doesn't he declare what the scripture clearly teaches? Asked if gay sex was sinful, Welby said: “You know very well that is a question I can’t give a straight answer to. Sorry, badly phrased there. I should have thought that one through.” Pressed on why he could not answer, the archbishop said: “Because I don’t do blanket condemnation and I haven’t got a good answer to the question. I’ll be really honest about that. I know I haven’t got a good answer to the question. Inherently, within myself, the things that seem to me to be absolutely central are around faithfulness, stability of relationships and loving relationships.” Welby sa...