Nova Scotia lawyers drop court battle against Christian law school

A Nova Scotia legal association halted its efforts to bar in advance any graduates of the law school proposed by British Columbia’s Christian and private Trinity Western University just three weeks after its ban was overruled by the province’s appeals court. Trinity Western spokesperson Amy Robertson told LifeSiteNews, “We’re pleased that the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society is going to honour the court’s decision.” Referring to the Nova Scotia lower court ruling in TWU’s favour, she added, “As Justice [Jamie] Campbell affirmed, the freedom to believe in God — or not — and practice accordingly, is a vital right not just for faith communities but all Canadians. This is an important step in maintaining that freedom.” Trinity Western’s prospective law grads were approved by five provincial law societies and the national federation of law societies but disapproved in advance in British Columbia, Ontario, and Nova Scotia. The three dissenters found nothing wrong with the academ...