Jesus Christ is the only power that can make homosexual intact once again

Inside every heart of a “gay” man or woman is a missing piece to the puzzle. Even though, we were all born intact – something along the way: an unloving parent, a vicious bully at school, a pornographic image on the computer screen, robbed us of our God -given wholeness. Yet, we are oblivious to this; we think of ourselves as different, misunderstood, or persecuted. Those first feelings are confusing, but later they become natural and we can’t recall a time when we didn’t have them. Gradually, we look towards anything that will confirm their righteousness. Here, in a world of acquiescence – we are deceived and come to believe entirely in the genetic status of our homosexuality. At first, in the initial flurry of hope – we believe we have been made whole by simply coming-out. But a mismatched piece of the puzzle has been forced into place; and, no matter how much we try – it never quite fits. Then, we start to become desperate; we grasp at almost anything: we move ...