Australian Politicians hate Christians - love LGBT

‘Haters’, ‘rabid right’, ‘vicious', and 'rump’: names your senators called you yesterday There was a good deal of name-calling yesterday in Parliament – all directed at anyone who supports the government’s election promise to hold a people’s vote on marriage. Senator Anne Urquhart referred to the ‘rabid right’ and the ‘vicious anti- marriage equality lobby’. Senator Susan Lines said Australia was being held hostage by ‘a Rump’ of right-wing conservatives. Senator Sarah Hanson-Young spoke of ‘ideologs and haters’. Complaining of the ‘many, many, deeply, deeply offensive emails’ she received from constituents opposed to same sex marriage, Lines explained that she refuses to answer such emails – and unfortunately for anyone who would wish to investigate this further - they get deleted. Lines argued that a respectful public debate is impossible because it gives a strong voice to those who oppose same-sex marriage and would therefore be ‘divisive’. It seems that Lines ...