
Showing posts with the label McShane

Homosexual sin: pro-homosexual academy will destroy any other view and a scholar’s career.

May 22, 2014 ( FRC ) - Federal judges seem to have entered into an echo chamber of political correctness in their recent rulings in support of the homosexual redefinition of marriage. They ignore or deny obvious truths (like the importance of procreation to the natural definition of marriage), while dogmatically asserting as true things which are either blatantly false or inherently unknowable. The May 19, 2014 decision by U. S. District Court Judge Michael J. McShane ( Geiger v. Kitzhaber ), striking down Oregon ’s constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman, was yet another example. I will not bother going through his decision point by point to refute it, since it varies little from the similar decisions handed down by other judges in recent months. Those interested in why these judges have it wrong should refer to the recent  FRC paper ,  Marriage on Trial: State Laws Defining Marriage as the Union of One Man and One Woman Ar...