Would Jesus bake a gay cake?

The Supreme Court’s recent decision in the Masterpiece Cakeshop Case held that a government cannot punish a baker for refusing to make a cake for a same-sex marriage ceremony if that government has also shown hostility toward the baker’s religion. While hardly a resounding defence of the Christian’s right to both own a business and not celebrate sin, I suppose that it was better than finding against the baker. This kind of case demonstrates the ever-increasing tension for Christians to decide if they are going to accommodate the public’s desire to embrace the LGBTQ movement or not. Refusing to cater to gay weddings gives rise to charges of discrimination—never mind the fact that these same bakers regularly served gay customers. They only objected to doing something that would affirm same-sex “marriage” contrary to their conscience. This is why Justice Kennedy , who voted in favour of same-sex marriage, stated in the...