Sinful Homosexuality - Rugby and Freedom of Religion

Rugby Australia chief executive Raelene Castle last night sent out a strongly worded memo to Australian Super Rugby players warning them of their obligation to use social media in a respectful way as, ironically, other rugby players took to Twitter to condemn Israel Folau ’s Christian comments on the sin of homosexuality. REFEREE NIGEL OWEN DOESN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT HE IS SAYING! And Nigel Owens , the referee who handled the 2015 World Cup final, in which Folau figured, incorrectly misused a quote from Martin Luther King Jr He urges the Christian footballer to “judge me and other gay people on the content on their character, not on their sexuality”. Owens statement is total nonsense! There is no judging happening. God is the judge not Israel . Folau simply repeated what God has said in the Bible regarding anybody (including homosexuals) if they don't repent -where they stand on judgement day. TJ PERENARA DENIES THE BIBLICAL HISTORICAL TRUTH OF THE SIN OF HOMOSEXUALITY...