Defying Trump, Coast Guard chief will to keep allowing transgender members

The head of the United States Coast Guard said Tuesday that the force will continue to allow transgender members to serve, despite the ban recently finalized by the country’s commander in chief. “We are certainly committed to their [transgenders’] continued service in the United States Coast Guard,” Commandant Adm. Paul Zukunft told the House Appropriations Homeland Security Subcommittee, according to Politico . “We will make sure that there is a one policy for all service members.” He explained that the heads of all five branches of the country’s armed forces were currently discussing how to implement President Donald Trump ’s order, but maintained that he would not expel any members until expressly ordered to do so. He added that 17 out of 40,000 active-duty Coast Guard members were estimated to be transgendered or “transitioned,” including one member of his personal staff. Zukunft made his comments in response to a question from Rep. David P...