Australia: Ex Union Leader Bill Shorten fails to justify homosexual marriage - faulty logic

Bill Shorten has opened up on how being a stepfather shaped his support for same-sex marriage, saying it taught him no relationship deserves the "moral judgement" of others. Does that include incest and adultery, or polygamy? Mr Shorten a former union leader, has campaigned hard on homosexual marriage, warning the plebiscite promised by the Coalition could unleash "hatred and homophobia" and instead promising to introduce homosexual marriage laws to Parliament within 100 days if Labor wins the election without protection to clergy, pastors, Christian business people, ministries, Christian hospitals and all those who support traditional marriage. Shorten groups all objections by those who support traditional marriage as people who hate. This is directly from the LGBT playbook. Call them bigots, backward, haters, from the 1950's, religious nuts. Shorten says the "steep learning curve" of raising children helped him realize that "pe...