LGBTQ advocates label no Colleges - ABSOLUTE WORST - if they refuse to support LGBTQ agenda

15 Of The 'Absolute Worst' College Campuses for LGBTQ Youth, Via Campus Pride As summer slowly winds to a close, students across the country are heading back to their college campuses for the start of a new academic year. This transitional time can still be incredibly critical for students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning (LGBTQ), many of whom may be leaving home for the first time in their lives. That’s why Campus Pride researchers hope to steer those students right with its 2016 Shame List , rating the 95 “absolute worst” college campuses for LGBTQ youth. GOT IT ABSOLUTE WORST? WHO DO LGBT ADVOCATES THINK THEY ARE? Released Monday, the Shame List comprises campuses that “openly discriminate against LGBTQ youth in policies, programs and practices,” according to a press release. The second annual list aims to complement the Campus Pride Index , which is a national benchmarking tool to access the LGBT-friendly nature of individual co...