Black leaders: Declining to bake a gay ‘wedding’ cake isn’t same as racism

African-American leaders launched a new campaign expressing their support for Jack Phillips , the baker whose case of refusing to create a same-sex “wedding” cake has gone all the way to the Supreme Court and will be heard later this year. The leaders spoke outside the Supreme Court on Monday in support of Phillips. They also launched a website to accompany their campaign, called “ We Got Your Back, Jack .” One of Monday’s speakers was Clarence Henderson, who participated in the Woolworth lunch counter sit-ins. Another was Janet Boynes of Janet Boynes Ministries . She was active in homosexuality for 14 years and now helps “individuals who question their sexuality or who wish to leave homosexuality,” according to her website. Alliance Defending Freedom and Liberty Counsel also participated in the pro-Phillips event, which was sponsored by the Frederick Douglass Foundation. “No person should be forced by the government to violate his or her conscience,” said Re...