If the church cannot come to a consensus on homosexual marriage, doesn't that mean the Bible is not clear?

To answer this question we go back to the Reformation . One of the great affirmations about Scripture made by the Reformers is what is known as the perspicuity of Scripture , which is another way of talking about the clarity of Scripture . Scripture continually speaks in such a manner that clarifies issues, not obscures them. The reality in a sinful world is that our understanding is often unclear even where Scripture is clear. The Reformers pointed to the clarity of Scripture in order to affirm that any Christian who opened the Bible heard the word of God and faced the decision to obey or disobey. That was true when the church received the New Testament and when the Reformers asserted the principle, and it remains true now. If people who affirm the truthfulness of Scripture cannot come to a consensus on the issue of homosexual marriage , same sex unions, same love - the problem is not in Scripture-it is in a failure to rightly understand and obey it. Related articles ...