Revisionist say homosexuality natural - Scripture says no!

Objection Stated Paul did not know about “inversion” or the allegedly “natural” occurrence of homosexuality. Biblical Response There are two things to be noted in response to this assertion—an assertion that is, truly, at the bottom of almost every argument on the part of revisionists. The first is the unspoken, but foundational, assumption that the Scriptures are limited in their capacity and hence authority to the knowledge and experience of the human authors by which they were delivered to us. The second is more overt: Paul did not know about “inversion” or the allegedly “natural” occurrence of homosexuality. Let’s begin with the second objection. Paul came from Tarsus, a major city in the Roman empire. He was well trained, a learned man, familiar with Roman and Greek culture. He was obviously widely read in the literature of the day as well. Therefore, the assumption that he did not know of people who professed to be homosexual as their primary “orientation” is simp...