Brazilian government demands apology from televangelist for ‘homophobia’

A Brazilian federal prosecutor is demanding that a televangelist retract certain statements he made which the prosecutor says incited “hatred” against homosexuals - a thinly veiled threat of future legal action . “The people in the Gay Parade mock the symbols of the Catholic Church and no one says anything,” televangelist Silas Malafaia reportedly said. “The Catholic Church should take a stick to these guys, you know? They should lower the club on them.” Silas Malafia Malafaia has reportedly responded to criticisms that he was inciting violence against homosexuals by stating that by “take a stick” (“entrar de pau”) and “lower the club” (“baixar o porrete) he meant the Church should “formulate criticisms, take legal actions.” In his remarks Malafaia was referring to the desecration of sacred images that occur regularly in homosexual parades in Brazil. Federal prosecutor Jefferson Apareceido Dias says the comments contain “clear homophobic content, because they incite violenc...