Australia: Say NO to homosexual marriage

The Houston mayor tried to subpoena sermons against homosexuality. The Mozilla CEO was fired for supporting a bill to uphold traditional marriage. HGTV canceled a new home-improvement show because of the Bible-based views of the show s stars. From redefining marriage to dominating the culture, it appears that there is no stopping the gay activist agenda, but the gay revolution is already a failure, containing within itself the seeds of self-destruction. For Christians: never compromise your convictions, take the high moral ground, cherish sexual purity, defend natural marriage, celebrate gender distinctions, propagate the truth, turn to God, and refuse to throw in the towel. Gay activists will continue to overplay their hand, and most people will reject the tactics of these new bullies as our freedoms of religion, speech, and conscience come under increasing attack. A society based on sexual anarchy, the deconstruction of gender, and the rede...