Disagree with the gay agenda - loose your jobs and the courts won't help!

Today the High Court denied me leave to appeal against the Chief of Defence Force ’s decision to terminate my appointment as an officer, as upheld by the Full Court of the Federal Court earlier this year. I have been fortunate to have had so much support in this battle. Today we have been defeated and for that I apologise. I feel that I have let many Australians down. This defeat does not just affect me personally. It affects all Australians. And the implications if the laws change on marriage are obvious. The Full Court of the Federal Court’s decision now stands. It found that it was legal for the Chief of Defence Force to impose ‘cultural change’ policies that include official support for events like the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras and its campaign for homosexual marriage . It found that it was legal for the Chief of Defence Force to prohibit any private comments objecting to this overt display of support for a radical political agenda and anti-Christian vilification. It...