InterVarsity Stands for Biblical morals - rejects homosexual agenda

One of the biggest evangelical Christian college organizations in the country has recently told its staffers that they’ll be fired if they express support for same-sex marriage, divorce or premarital sex . The 1300 staffers of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship USA —a group with branches on 667 college campuses around the country—received a letter from the organization’s management telling them their jobs will be terminated if they come forward to express opinions that contradict its positions on sexuality, Time reported this week . “If they disagree, we trust that they will alert their supervisors and conclude their work,” the letter reads, according to The Daily News . “The news may be hard, like many other aspects of following Jesus , but it is good for all people.” The letter refers to a position paper which clearly defines “healthy human sexuality” as being strictly between a husband and wife: One former staffer at Mills College , Bianca Louie, told Time she decided to lea...