Christian could be fired for refusing to watch LGBT ‘inclusivity’ video

A Christian 's 14-year career is being threatened because he refused to watch a training video on lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and queer "diversity and inclusivity." In April, the Social Security Administration announced all employees must be trained in LGBTQ "diversity and inclusively." Longtime information technology employee David Hall, whose Christian convictions do not consider sodomy healthy or normal or good for people, believed that the “training” was against his sincerely held beliefs. Specifically, Hall, 42, was told by his superiors to view a 17-minute video that includes "tips for increasing cultural awareness in a diverse and inclusive environment." Hall refused, explaining that the training endorses sinful behavior. "I'm not going to certify sin," he explained to WCIA-TV . Because he refused to participate in the LGBTQ agenda training, Hall was officially reprimanded and then suspended with...