Aussie PM - becomes gay fool

On Q&A, John Faulkner, “a 65 year old Christian” asked “Who gave Mr Shelton and the ACL the right to speak for all Christians on the matter of marriage equality?” Lyle Shelton , managing director of the Australian Christian lobby (ACL) answered that just as a union can’t claim to speak on behalf of every members, the ACL does not claim to convey the views of every union member. There are two surveys that help answer the question of “Who does the ACL speak for?” The National Church Life Survey reveals that 73 per cent of the people surveyed in the last 5-yearly church census said they opposed same sex marriage. A Galaxy survey organised by Australian Marriage Equality found that 53 per cent of people who said they were Christian supported same sex marriage. Both polls date from 2011. Unlike pollsters like the Barna poll in the US which ask careful questions to define what people mean by “Christian”, the Galaxy poll asked no clarifying questions. So in opposing same-sex marriage...