Christ transforms gay man

Until 2013, Greg Lake worked for the Australian Immigration Department as a director of various Immigration Detention Centres, including Christmas Island and Nauru . He continues to work with government to help build stronger diversity and refugee policies. Greg attends Seaforth Baptist Church on Sydney ’s northern beaches. He recently announced on Facebook that for as long as he can remember he’s been more attracted to men than women. Eternity caught up with Greg, to find out more. Why have you decided to go public with this now? People who know me well already knew that this has been something I’ve lived with for a long time, and they knew that it isn’t in the top ten things that define me. I guess I’m just at a point now where I don’t feel like there’s people left in my life who I need to have told personally before it just becomes publicly known, and it’s not something that I feel like is a big feature, so why not? This is an issue the church has to confront more today...