LGBT activists outraged as Trump admin cuts LGBT info from gov’t websites

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services no longer hosts a webpage on lesbian and bisexual-specific health issues, a government transparency organization revealed Wednesday. The Sunlight Foundation reports that the Trump administration has deleted from HHS’s Office of Women’s Health website a page titled, “ Lesbian and bisexual health.” The original URL leads to an error message and the page is inaccessible from any other part of the site. The page, archived here , said that while “all women have specific health risks,” lesbians and bisexual women are at greater risk for heart disease, cancer, certain sexually-transmitted diseases, depression, anxiety, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) . It further claims that lesbians and bisexuals face unique problems in the healthcare system, such as doctors who lack the training for their specific needs and health professionals who don’t believe a lesbian or bisexual woman “can be a healthy, norm...