Homosexuality was thought to be mental disorder now its celebrated?

Future historians will likely be flummoxed by the moment we’re living in. In what amounts to less than a blink of an eye in the history of Western civilization, homosexuality has gone from a diagnosed mental disorder , criminal offence to something to be celebrated — or else. Indeed, the rush to mandatory celebration is so intense, refusal is now considered tantamount to a crime. And, in some rare instances, an actual crime if the right constable or bureaucrat concludes that you have uttered ‘hate speech.’ HOMOSEXUAL ACTIVISTS HAVE FORCED INSTITUTIONS TO CHANGE THEIR MINDS. The Bible condemns homosexuality as a sin. The enlightenment wanted freedom from religion so it invented the concept - private sphere and public sphere where the state took no interest in what happens behind closed doors. This philosophy has since been devastating. Domestic violence and pedophilia now happen behind closed doors and was permitted until the law was slectivle changed. Many groups had accepte...