Moonlight Movie just expsoes homosexual darkness and sin

Below is the blatant immoral confused homosexual agenda of a movie that Hollywood thinks is great but in reality is a sad reflection on the lives of the movie industry and its broken sinful morals. We live in a world built on simple oppositions: male or female; gay or straight; black or white. Cultural norms want us to fit easily into these categories because they are easier to understand, and often, oppress. (Not cultural but biblical) In the world of Moonlight’s protagonist Chiron, being anything other than hypermasculine is downright dangerous: Being black and gay is unthinkable. But the truth is that life is more complicated, more confusing. Moonlight shows us that you can be a drug dealer and a father figure. That a film can be about domestic abuse and also be operatic. And as far as being African American and queer, director Barry Jenkins’ story shows us that it is possible, beautiful even, to be both. The fact that such a film, which so poetically complicates notions of...