
Showing posts with the label Sandra Jansen

Alberta gvmt delays bill removing parental right to protect kids from gay lessons after liberals complain it doesn’t go far enough

Some schools have gay–straight alliances or similar groups to counter homophobia and bullying and provide support for LGBT students in school. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Alberta Premier Jim Prentice has put a controversial bill dealing with gay clubs in schools on hold, because of opposition within his own caucus. The opposition is coming, reportedly, from small-“l” liberals who think the bill doesn’t go far enough to protect homosexual students from bullying, and not from Christians or social conservatives who believe the bill goes  too  far, in particular by removing parents’ right to withdraw their children from classes dealing with homosexuality. "We will pull back. We will pause," Prentice told reporters yesterday afternoon. While he was away all week a debate raged in the province over his bill. Alberta Christian parents will be spared for another day being stripped of their fundamental right to educate their children in their beliefs in their own...