Why So-Called Progressive Gay accepting Religion Always Fails

"Progressives" talk about getting on "the right side of history." But the numbers, and the Word, tell another story If the pundits and prognosticators are correct, those of us who hold to a conservative interpretation of the Scriptures are a dying breed, soon to be replaced by the enlightened, “progressive” believers who have found a new way of reading the Bible. They are the ones ready for the modern world, the ones with a relevant message, the ones who own the future, while we are consigned to putting our trust in bronze-age myths long-since repudiated by science and reason. The reverse is actually true. It is the so-called progressives who will dissipate and diminish, while those of us who hold to the historic tenets of the faith will continue to grow and thrive. And it doesn’t take a sociologist to explain why. Simply stated, if someone truly believes that the Bible is God’s Word, believes that Jesus died for our sins, rose from the dead, and purchased us wit...