Pastors say no to homosexual sin

We have a responsibility to “hold fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching” so as “to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict” (Titus 1:9). While it is possible that some may view the Bible's position on homosexuality as inflammatory, unloving, or even unchristian, the opposite is actually the case. In accordance with Titus 1:9, exhortation with the truth (sound doctrine) and the refutation of that which is false is a nonnegotiable duty for the Christian minister . Christian ministers must instruct and refute. Some ideas are bad and wrong—these must be exposed for the health of the church and the honor of Jesus Christ . Beware of false accusations on both sides of this controversy. Pastors do not believe that every homosexual is a child molester or that homosexuality is the unpardonable sin. Conversely, it must be acknowledged that our disagreement with homosexuality—in proclivity or in practice—as consi...