When You Get Death Wishes for Sharing Biblical Truth With Love

Just when I thought things had calmed down with the LGBT attack on our “ Can You Be Gay and Christian? ” video, we were flooded with a fresh deluge of hate-filled, profane, and vile comments, including winners like this: “Burn this guy at the stake or do whatever yall want I don't give a d**n. Just make sure he suffers before he dies. okay? Okay.” Where did this new attack come from? Well, it turns out that another gay vlogger with a large following played a lot of the video on his channel (that’s another way to get the message out!). In response, his followers came flocking to our video to give it a thumbs down and to attack it — and me. Now, remember, according to the PC narrative, we’re the haters and those who oppose us are the voice of tolerance. And let’s also remember that I have always denounced those who speak hatefully of LGBT’s, differing with those who call them names and want to put gays to death. You would think, then, that our tolerant LGBT friends would apprec...