German cardinal: liturgical ‘blessing’ for gay unions is ‘truly…blasphemy’

Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes criticized fellow German Cardinal Reinhard Marx ’s suggestion that Catholic priests should consider “blessing” same-sex relationships liturgically. Marx’s idea “truly seems sacrilegious” and “ignores the clear Revelation of God,” Cordes wrote in a response on Dr. Maike Hickson translated it at One Peter Five . “The Church is in its pastoral care bound to Holy Scripture and to its interpretation through the Church’s Magisterium,” wrote Cordes. “Marx does not even mention that homosexuality always contradicts the Will of God,” citing church teaching through the centuries. Rather than being about receiving “God’s assistance for themselves,” those engaging in sodomy and wishing to have it “blessed” by the Church “aim with their request at the recognition and acceptance of their homosexual way of life and its ecclesial valorization.” The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that “under no circumstances” can homosexua...