Jesus included the gentiles - therefore Jesus includes Homosexuals argument?

Dr. Kirk (Fuller Seminary) didn't contest much of what I said about Jesus and Scripture. He just thinks Jesus (along with all the rest of Scripture) was wrong in insisting on a male-female foundation for sexual ethics, though that is not Jesus' fault because he was captive to his culture on this issue and lacked adequate information. So that idea that Jesus had, that the duality of number in a sexual union is predicated on the God-ordained duality of the sexes, is rendered irrelevant for Kirk apparently. Kirk appealed to the Gentile inclusion episode in Acts 10-11 as a basis for departing from Jesus and the entirety of Scripture to promote homosexual unions. I believe that I was able to show that this was a bad analogy, citing a half dozen arguments. His food analogy is also off-target. Jesus and Paul specifically said: Don't compare sex to food. Yet Dr. Kirk did so anyway. Didn't have the time to talk about his Sabbath illustration but this hardly serves as a closer...