An endocrinologist studies the transgender movement’s most popular kid’s book

Recently, a group of parents asked me to review the book I Am Jazz to determine whether, from a medical point of view, it is suitable for children to read. They also asked this for the benefit of their school district, given that the topic of childhood gender dysphoria would be discussed at their upcoming school board meeting. I have read the book I Am Jazz and examined the book's relationship to childhood gender dysphoria and its implications for adolescence and adulthood . I am a board-certified physician in Rocklin, California specializing in Endocrinology , Diabetes, and Metabolism. Broadly, endocrinology is the study of hormones and glands and the diagnosis and treatment of diseases involving these hormones and glands. The following essay is a detailed presentation of my findings regarding this important topic. Introduction Children with gender dysphoria deserve our compassion and deserve to be treated with dignity and kindness, just like all o...