
Showing posts with the label Perry Beeches

Gay teacher who writes books challenging homophobia has resigned after parents complained they did not want him to teach their children

A gay assistant head teacher has been forced to resign after an overwhelming number of Muslim and Christian parents complained that they did not want their children learning that it’s OK to be homosexual. The dispute at Birmingham’s Chilwell Croft Academy, which mainly involved Muslim parents, is the latest controversy surrounding a secular state school in the city. Homosexual Andrew Moffat, who resigned from the primary school in December and will leave his post this month, said many Christian parents had also complained. Mr Moffat has written several articles and books on homophobia in schools, in which he makes recommendations of how to teach children how to be tolerant. But being tolerant of the sin of homosexuality is a step too far for many parents.  One book, entitled Challenging Homophobia in Primary Schools, has been used in literacy lessons for 10 and 11-year-olds, including those at Chilwell Croft and should be removed immediately. One suggested lesson plan describes a ...