Judge lectures assault victim to use attacker’s fake pronoun

An English judge told an assault victim to use her attacker’s preferred gender pronoun , the latest development in the ongoing collision between feminist and transgender activists . Maria Maclachlan, 61, is a self-described Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TERF), part of a faction that believes men who identify as female should not be recognized as women. The UK Telegraph reports that she was among the speakers for a TERF event in London ’s Hyde Park last September. The event was meant to discuss potential changes to the UK’s 2004 Gender Recognition Act. MacLachlan says that while filming a group of counter-protestors chanting "When TERFs attack, we strike back,” 26-year-old trans activist “Tara” Wolf punched her, knocking her to the ground . During MacLachlan's testimony this week before the Hendon Magistrate’s Court, District Judge Kenneth Grant chided her for not referring to Wolf, a biological male, with female pronouns. "The defendant wished to be referr...