Australian Medical Association lied - chose idelogy over science

The Australian Medical Association has lent its authority to the cause of homosexual ‘marriage’ by issuing its Position Statement on Marriage Equality (May 20th 2017). This was done without consulting AMA members or the wider medical community, and now we, the undersigned medical practitioners, respond. Our nation’s peak medical body should not publish misleading information, yet that is what happens in this Position Statement. Of several examples, the most egregious is the assertion that there is no peer-reviewed evidence of “poorer health or psychosocial outcomes” for children raised in same-sex parented families. That is a politically potent claim and unequivocally false. We reference peer-reviewed articles that do find poorer outcomes for children raised by same-sex couples, and we also show that the AMA was aware of this evidence. By denying publicly that there is any such evidence of detriment to children, while admitting privately that there is, the AMA has misled the pub...