If I am a Christian who experiences same sex attraction, will I become more heterosexual as I become more mature in my walk with Christ?

Some Christians in this situation will discover an increased self-understanding of heterosexual orientation. I know couples who have come together as husband and wife after one or both struggled with same-sex attraction , and who found great fulfillment and joy in the gift of heterosexual marriage and the gift of children. But this should not be the universal expectation. Many other believers strive to be faithful to Christ and obey the Word but experience no heterosexual pattern of sexual arousal . Progressive sanctification through the Holy Spirit will come for Christians who experience same-sex attraction, but that does not mean they will become more heterosexual the more they grow in godliness. Sanctification leads us into holiness and out of sin. This is why sanctification may lead an individual with same-sex attraction into holy celibacy, rather than heterosexuality. Relate...