Liberals: Catechism uses ‘very destructive’ language on homosexuality

San Diego liberal Bishop Robert McElroy celebrated Pope Francis’ call for Christians to apologize to gays and suggested the Catholic Church consider changing how it refers to same-sex attraction and homosexual acts. Does McElroy also want the Pope to apologize to adulterers? Perhaps McElroy would do best to read the truth from the Bible and not share his personal opinions which are at best deeptive. McElroy’s comments were published June 30 in an interview with the Jesuit magazine America . “I think [the Pope’s call for an apology] opens up a very helpful pathway to dialogue and hopefully healing,” McElroy said. “What we need to project in the life of the church is ‘You are part of us and we are part of you.’ [LGBT Catholics] are part of our families.” After the Orlando terrorist attack on a gay nightclub, McElroy called on Catholics to “combat” the “anti-gay prejudice that exists in our Catholic community and in our country.” Unfortuantely, th...