Catholic school fires first grade teacher after her lesbian ‘wedding’

An openly homosexual Catholic school teacher was fired for “marrying” her lesbian partner and publicizing their relationship online. “Betrayal of the faith – contractually agreed to — and then blaming the Christian employer for being fired is happening more and more these days,” Americans for Truth about Homosexuality president Peter LaBarbera said. “I think the legalized homosexual ‘marriage’ factor ensures that one of these cases will reach the Supreme Court of the United States .” Jocelyn Morffi taught first grade at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School in Miami for six years. The day after she returned from her lesbian “wedding” in the Florida Keys, she was let go. She called the firing an act of prejudice against her “choice of partner” when her actions clearly violated Catholic teaching and moral standards. “This weekend I married the love of my life and unfortunately I was terminated from my job as a result,” Morffi complained in a social media post. “In th...