ABC promotes liberal theologian - Bible supports homosexual marriage

The ABC once again on the eve of the voting on the Marriage Act has interviewed and promoted the liberal views of Robyn Whitaker who states that the Bible and God support homosexuality. Whitaker, lectures in biblical studies at Trinity College at the University of Melbourne . We understand why the ABC has selected such a person, but what is the basis of her claim regarding homosexuality? Whitaker ORIGINALLY believed homosexuality was a sin. But something changed. What happened? She was trained in liberal theological colleges in the USA . "I have moved a very long way from not really seeing how someone could be gay and be a person of faith through to now saying I'm going to vote yes on a postal survey because I think there should be equality in marriage," she said. WHITAKER NEXT ERROR IS REGARDING IMMEDIATE JUDGEMENT She says: "Living in the United States as same-sex marriage was legalised was a part of that tran...