
Showing posts with the label Jimmy LaSalvia

Mozilla and Homosexuals Mafia shoot themselves in the foot

 Pundits and others across the political spectrum, including numerous supporters of same-sex "marriage," are criticizing Mozilla for forcing out former CEO and cofounder Brandon Eich. Eich, who invented JavaScript , accepted the position of CEO in late March. However, within days activists had launched a campaign to force him out over a $1,000 donation he made to support Proposition 8 in 2008. Homosexual activists and their supporters, including the online dating company OKCupid , initiated boycotts and media pressure against Mozilla. Despite the company's assurances that Eich would always treat employees equally, the pressure was unrelenting, and Eich stepped down less than two weeks after taking the helm. According to openly homosexual Republican strategist Jimmy LaSalvia , who co-founded GOProud , "There are no winners here." LaSalvia told that while he believes the battle over acceptance of homosexual relationships is "over...

It’s the gays, stupid … or is it?

WASHINGTON, D.C., March 26, 2013 ( LifeSiteNews ) – Republicans got handed a crushing defeat last November, no doubt about it.  In the aftermath of those crushing losses, the party is scrambling to figure out exactly what went wrong … and try to fix it.  A growing number of social libertarians within the GOP are looking to homosexuals as the salvation of the party.  One of them is Lawson Bader, president of the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI). Bader, who took the helm of CEI just two months ago,  hosted  an unofficial panel/happy hour at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) called “Rainbow on the Right: Growing the Coalition, Bringing Tolerance out of the Closet.”  The panel, which featured  National Review ’s Jonah Goldberg , GOProud president Jimmy LaSalvia,  Washington Post  columnist Jennifer Rubin,  Margaret Hoover , and libertarian strategist Liz Mair, was held in reaction to CPAC officials declining to...

Ann Coulter Blasts Same-Sex “Marriage”

Image via Wikipedia Conservative commentator Ann Coulter stayed true to her reputation for courting controversy during an address to homosexual conservatives in New York on Saturday, telling them that they did not need special rights and that marriage was the union of a man and a woman. According to reports, Coulter charmed her audience of 150 at the HomoCon fundraiser for GOProud with a number of jokes, admitting that it must have been difficult to come out of the closet and tell their parents that they were conservatives. But then the outspoken pundit said to her audience, “I should warn you: I've never failed to talk gays out of gay marriage." Talking Points Memo reported that Coulter explained to the crowd that she supports marriage as the union of a man and a woman, because the institution is fundamentally about the procreation of children. Coulter then stated frankly that keeping marriage defined and restricted to heterosexual couples does not violate homosexual...