LGBT culture war intensifies following the Nashville Statement

If you haven’t heard about the “ Nashville Statement ”—a document created by the Coalition for Biblical Sexuality and originally signed by more than 150 evangelical and church leaders—then you are unaware of the latest battle in the culture war being fought between LGBT extremists and those who believe in traditional biblical morality. The Nashville Statement is a basic declaration of Christian orthodoxy on sexual morality, sexual orientation, and sexual identity. In the words of National Review Senior Writer David French , an original signatory of the document, the 14 articles it includes can be boiled down to a simple statement: We believe the Bible is the word of God , and the word of God declares that sexual intimacy is reserved for the lifelong union of a man and a woman in marriage. It acknowledges the reality of same-sex attraction as well as the reality of transgender self-conceptions, but denies that God sanctions same-sex sexual activity or a transgendered self-concept...