My response to a ‘cisgendered’ trans activist who called me a ‘disgusting human being’

I get all kinds of interesting calls on the phone. I never really know who it might be. Sometimes a politician or a school trustee. Sometimes a bishop. Sometimes a crank. I’m glad I didn’t pick up phone calls on Saturday. Instead, I let them go to voicemail. But when I checked one message later that evening, I couldn’t believe what someone — who identified himself as a “moral human being” — went out of his way to tell me. “Hello Pete, I just read your article written on January 18. And I have to say you are an absolutely disgusting human being,” the caller said. My mind immediately went racing. What article had I written on that date that so offended this fellow? I continued listening to the message. “I mean seriously, don’t you understand that some people are naturally transgendered, that accepting them does not in any way threaten anybody else’s way of life. And how can you say that the LGBT movement is trying to destroy…” The caller went on to ...