LGBT reason #9,999,999 to take your kids out of public school

In some of my most recent updates on the culture war taking place between radical LGBT extremists and traditional morality, I’ve written about the goings on in Ontario, Canada and how the public schools there are being used to indoctrinate young children with pro-LGBT propaganda. Even though I have also written in the past about how US public schools have engaged in the same type of pro-LGBT brainwashing, much of the feedback I’ve received has been somewhat indifferent on the issue. Many of my readers and listeners incorrectly feel, as you’ll read below, that what happens in Canada stays in Canada. In Rocklin, California, a group of parents are considering legal action against Rocklin Academy (a charter school) after a kindergarten teacher staged what is being called a “transition ceremony” during class for a five-year-old boy who supposedly thinks he’s a girl. This was done without parental notification. School officials defended the te...