
Showing posts with the label New York State Senate

Dishonest Media overwhelming bias towards immoral homosexual marriage

Cliff Kincaid, Director of the Accuracy in Media Center for Investigative Journalism, accurately notes how dishonestly our movement has been covered by the mainstream media : Significant news came out of last Tuesday's March for Marriage demonstration in Washington, D.C. But it didn't make "news" in the major media. As one who covered the event, it was significant that there were so many members of minority groups. This was not a mostly white crowd. In addition to the presence of black, Hispanic and Asian supporters of traditional marriage , there were some notable Democrats, such as New York State Senator Ruben Díaz, and he let people know he was several minorities in one. [...] J.C. Derrick [of WORLD magazine] has a good analysis of how the major media, led by The Washington Post , virtually ignored the March for Marriage. But unless you actually see what happened on the ground, as the thousands of traditional marriage supporters held their demonstration, you w

Anti-homosexual marriage was strong in extreme liberal states

The results of the 2012 Election were extremely disappointing on many levels, not least because of the voter approval of same-sex marriage in Maine , Maryland and Washington, and the voter rejection of a proposed amendment to the Minnesota constitution defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Going into Election Day, the polls showed our side surging, and we hoped to pull out victories in all these states. Regrettably, this did not materialize. While each of these races were close, they all went against us. The election results naturally beg several questions that I would like to address: Is supporting true, natural marriage a winning issue? Do the results signal a change in the mood of the country on same-sex marriage? What is required to regain victory? Is Marriage a Winning Issue? The narrow losses that marriage endured occurred in deeply blue, very liberal states. Imagine if we had contested marriage in four deeply red, conservative states and

Bloomberg & Cuomo receive Gay marriage bribes

Image via Wikipedia The four New York Republicans who changed their votes to swing the New York Senate in favor of gay “marriage” all received hefty donations from New York city Mayor Michael Bloomberg , according to campaign finance records filed last week. State Senator Mark Grisanti was the first of the four to file his report last Wednesday, reporting a $10,300 contribution from Bloomberg.  The donation was dated July 8th – two weeks after the Senate voted to redefine marriage in New York state. The Democratic mayor has long been an active supporter of gay “marriage,” and plans to officiate at the “wedding” of chief policy advisor John Feinblatt and his male partner on July 24th, the day the new law goes into effect. According to a City Hall News  report , Bloomberg had promised before the Senate vote to financially support any Republican who voted in favor of gay “marriage.” The other three Republicans, Senators Roy McDonald, Stephen Saland , and James Alesi , all reporte

New York senators receive hefty donations from New York Mayor for gay ‘marriage’ vote

Image via Wikipedia BRIDE OR DONATION? The four New York Republicans who changed their votes to swing the New York Senate in favor of gay “marriage” all received hefty donations from New York city Mayor Michael Bloomberg , according to campaign finance records filed last week. State Senator Mark Grisanti was the first of the four to file his report last Wednesday, reporting a $10,300 contribution from Bloomberg. The donation was dated July 8th – two weeks after the Senate voted to redefine marriage in New York state. The Democratic mayor has long been an active supporter of gay “marriage,” and plans to officiate at the “wedding” of chief policy advisor John Feinblatt and his male partner on July 24th, the day the new law goes into effect. According to a City Hall News  report , Bloomberg had promised before the Senate vote to financially support any Republican who voted in favor of gay “marriage.” The other three Republicans, Senators Roy McDonald, Stephen Saland , and James

New York senator Alesi plays loose with the truth after voting for gay ‘marriage’

Image via Wikipedia Confused State Senator Jim Alesi who is a universalist told a crowd gathered to celebrate the passage of same-sex “marriage” in New York that his priest embraced him and gave him Holy Communion when he attended Mass after voting to pass the legislation. The event at which the senator spoke was sponsored by the Human Rights Campaign , and took place in Manhattan four days after the New York Senate voted to legalize same-sex “marriage.” After taking the microphone to loud applause and shouting, Alesi told the revelers, “that’s exactly what it sounded like when I went to Mass Sunday.” “I went to Mass Sunday in my church and I was so warmly received. It doesn’t matter what religion you are, but I know in my religion, when I went up to receive Communion , my priest embraced me,” he said. Unrepentant people taking communion according to scripture, bring condemnation from God. Alesi represents the 55th District of New York, which is in the Diocese of Rochester .

Gay ‘marriage’ passes in New York

Image via Wikipedia In a major blow to efforts to protect true marriage in the United States , the New York Senate voted Friday evening to legalize gay “marriage” in a 33-29 vote. The Assembly has already passed their own same-sex “marriage” bill and Assembly Leader Sheldon Silver (D-Manhattan) has stated that the Assembly will approve whatever comes out of the Senate. Given that Governor Andrew Cuomo has been the driving force behind the legislation, it is practically guaranteed to become law. Homosexual couples will be able to get “married” within 30 days after the governor signs the bill. The vote represented a defeat for Sen. Ruben Diaz, Sr. (D-Bronx), the lone Democrat who had waged a hard fought campaign to defeat the same-sex “marriage” bill, and had been successful the year before. Diaz expressed shock on the floor that the Republicans, “the party that always defended family values,” had enabled same-sex “marriage” to pass. “God, not Albany, has settled the definition

Homosexual non-biblical agenda

Image via Wikipedia The following websites do not all reflect the views of this blog. The Bible is clear on the sin of homosexuality and readers need to be clearly aware of the gay agenda.  We pray that God will reveal his grace and mercy on those who call upon his name. No violence just prayer. No hate but prayer. I’m coming out as a “homosceptic”  - Mercator Dictionaries need a new word to describe disagreement with some of the key precepts of the gay lobby. The Urban dictionary defines a “homosceptic” as “a member of society who does not hate homosexuals, but generally does not agree with the principle of homosexuality in moral and ethical terms”. The Left’s Dirty Little Secret   By Robin of Berkeley The article exposed an unseemly aspect of the 60’s, one that isn’t touted in the flattering history books.  The dirty little secret was the widespread sexual abuse of children. They camouflage abuse with lofty concepts, such as “diversity ” and “social justice.” The left has morp