The Book of Gomorrah - Homosexual Priests destroying the moral authority of the church

Complete interview with The Book of Gomorrah ’s translator Matthew Hoffman. LifeSiteNews: Do you see movements or stirrings happening within the Church today that are similar to what St. Peter Damian was fighting against a thousand years ago? What are some examples? Hoffman: The situation of the Catholic Church in the 11th century, when Damian lived, resembles our own time in some disturbing ways. The priesthood back then had been infiltrated by a large number of morally lax men who had little respect for sexual morality, including homosexuals who made “prostitutes” out of their “spiritual sons,” in the words of Damian. Unlike today, however, many priests were openly living in immoral unions with concubines or illicit wives, and did little to hide other scandalous personal behavior. This behavior even included some popes, who set a bad example for the rest of the Church. Damian reminded Pope Leo IX of the traditional law that was to be applied to prie...