California Health Education pushes LGBT into Kindergarten

The California Department of Education has released a new Health Education Framework for 2019. Given that California often sets trends for the wider country, parents ought to pay very close attention to the new standards. In fact, this new framework should trouble anyone concerned about young people getting a fair and diverse education today. The goal of the new framework is the physical, mental, and social well-being of California students. According to chapter 1, “The health of California youth may be improved by high-quality health education.” We can all agree on the value of student health. My two concerns lay elsewhere. First, the state has adopted a "progressive" view of student health that undermines a religious view of human flourishing (the views of many Christians, Muslims, Jews, Mormons, and others). Second, the framework claims to be diverse, inclusive, and open, but in reality, it is none of these. Before offering my concerns, it is worth noting that there is...