Homoesexual QANTAS CEO - Alan Joyce receives the pie in the face award

QANTAS CEO Alan Joyce a homosexual who has been pushing several Australian companies to promote immoral homosexual marriage onto all Australians regardless of what they think - had a pie shoved in his face. Mr Joyce was stunned when a man came up behind him on the stage and smeared the pie into his face. Joyce intends to force all his staff and workers to promote homosexual marriage regardless of objections. QANTAS was involved in the near nude Sydney Mardi Gras and QANTAS intends to put its immoral message onto its boarding tickets. Joyce who has never spoken in public on any social issue but has only recently claimed it is his social duty as a business leader to speak up. But he is only speaking up on one topic - same sex sin. The only topic he has spoken about is immoral homosexual marriage. He believes he can force his view onto all Australian companies and on his passengers. Being a homosexual, Joyce is obviously less than truthful ...