Homosexual Candidate Running Against a Man Who Denounced Homosexual Marriage

Joan Greene, a small business owner and candidate for Arizona’s 5th Congressional District , has stated why she, among some 600 other women nationwide, decided to run for office for the first time. The Republican lawmaker named Andy Biggs , has said homosexual marriage "is an affront to the millions of Americans who believe marriage is between a man and a woman. That is why she is running against Andy Biggs. A Democrat , Greene is endorsed by Run with Pride as an LGBT candidate with immoral values which are falesly called 'progressive values." She then makes her greatest error in saying: she has a desire to make the American Dream available to everyone. Yet she wants to increase the broken immoral homosexual lifestyle choices people are making - the self harm, fast breakups, and bullying and divisive tactics and the silent gay health issues. She is supporting the LGBTQI agenda which places people in moral, relationship and faith danger. Yet, this ...