Forcing same-sex ‘marriage’ on USA didn’t reduce teen suicides after all, study finds

For years, LGBT activists have asserted that society’s refusal to fully recognize homosexuality as indistinguishable from heterosexuality was a key contributor to suicide among young gay Americans, but a new study is challenging the notion that the advent of same-sex “marriage” reduced the suicide rate at all. D. Mark Anderson of Montana State University and the National Bureau of Economic Research, along with Kyutaro Matsuzawa and Joseph J. Sabia of San Diego State University’s Center for Health Economics & Policy Studies, released a paper this month analyzing data from State Youth Risk Behavior Surveys to “explore the relationship between marriage equality and suicidal behaviors among LGBQ-identifying youths.” Their conclusion: We find little evidence that SSM laws have reduced suicide attempts among teen sexual minorities, nor have they decreased the likelihood of suicide planning, suicide ideation, or depression. Instead, we find some evidence that SSM legali...